Monday, April 21, 2014

Wooster Square's 2014 Cherry Blossom Countdown!

Flowery Fuse Lit for Pink Explosion!

Hard to believe that Easter has come and gone and we are heading into May. Still feels a bit like winter during the nights here in the Wonderful World of Historic World Famous Wooster Square. We dip down near freezing at night and sloooowwwllyyy warm up to around 50 if we are lucky.

Our Beautiful Bright Bountiful Blossoms are on ice and gradually coming to life. Just in time for our Annual Cherry Blossom Festival this Sunday from Noon to 5!

Free fun and flowers folks!
(There's pink showing!)

No Membership required!

If we were to get some real warm weather in a short period of time our Blossoms would surely pop.

But this year they are on the slow and steady path
to Very Vivid Visual Hanami Hysteria.

But they HAVE started their annual wild ride. We are days away on Hughes Place when the Buds will burst open with all their pink and white yummieness.

I have been feeding the data into the Blossom Blog Mainframe to get a more accurate picture of 
how many days we are from Pop!
 and to Peak Poppadge!

While I gather all the bits and megabits, 
take a stroll around the park to see 
where we are today, April 21, 2014

***It is advisable to wear a bib while viewing to prevent your clothes from becoming all drooled upon!***

Tides are Turning
(Wooster Place)

Warm Welcoming Wooster Square

360 Reasons to head to the Festival

Budding History Baby!

Park's Prepping for Partiers People!

Blossom Buddies Busting

You've come a long way baby...

The Show is about to begin!
(Hughes Place 
Blossom Tunnel

Pretty Pink Purses Please

Pizza Pie Park Picnic-ers 

Shadow Barking

 Pink Palate Pleasers

Fiery Flowers Found!

Full Orchestra

Supremely Surreal Still Steals Scene

 Lovely Little Lots

Smoothie Neighbors

Court Street Colors

Willingly Wonderful

Sparrow Sings, "Sweet Sakura" Softly

Speaking of Birds...

I caught a couple of Egrets 
(with no regrets)
 in Guilford and Madison this 
Easter Weekend...

Fishing Foto Fun

Reflecting River Riveting

back in Wooster Square...

Bird Baiter

Funky Little Funnies

Pretty Primary Popper

Pink Nation People!
Prettier, even Pinky-er

Phence Photo Phun
Wooster Square Waits

When are the Blossoms going to Bust?

The buds on the top were from 4-11-13.
The buds on the bottom are from today.

Last year, it took them 6 days to this


However, this is a young tree and the first to Pop! on Hughes Place. 

Hughes Place set to Peak Poppadge in
5-10 days!

The park is about 7-12 days to peak!

Unless it doesn't!!

The only sure way to know is to 
The Wooster Square Blossom Blog!

Don't miss one image of absolute amazement!

Don't forget to come by the 
Wooster Square Cherry Blossom Festival!

Sunday, April 27
Noon to 5pm

Columbus Calculating

Don't delay your device!

Stay tuned for continuous 
Sweet Sakura Square Surprises!

See You Round the Square!

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