Friday, October 31, 2014

Tonight Shows's Jimmy Fallon Sends Thank You Notes to Wooster Square, New Haven!**

Plus! Positively precious, perhaps precocious, pointedly popular, probably preposterous, perfect park advice for Freshman People!

What an exciting time of year, Fall in New England. The colors, the scents, the sounds, the cold crisp chill in the air in the morning when you walk around the Wonderful World of Wooster Square.

Warm, Welcoming...Wooster Square

Many familiar faces come back to New Haven when school starts but there are those newcomers that have to learn the ropes, stay out of the way... yet still make try to make their mark in their new school. We were all freshman one year, some of us twice. (High School freshman and I was a freshman again at M(ichigan)SU).

There is nothing more exciting and terrifying than being a freshman in a new school. You are so excited about learning, growing up and impressing your classmates. The experience make you feel as if you can reach the stars, or wet your pants from the freaky frolicking frenzy of froshy freshman fun.

My first advice? Head to Wooster Square for pizza
and the Fall Blossoms!

This year's fall colors are undoubtedly influenced by the lack of water this year. I can't tell if some our Hallowed Hanamiable Heavenly Sakura trees are just thirsty or have some disease. We lost one tree last year on Hughes Place and two more look like they will have to come down.

The good news?

The City of New Haven plants new trees as trees get older and have to come down. Our type of Cherry Trees live about 25-30 years. So we replant yearly somewhere around Wooster Square, Hughes Place and Court Street last year.

I am happy hoping hanamian, predicting the brown leaves mean thirst, and early rest and in about 6 months...POP!!! Oh we can just count the days.

Now, all we have to do is 
get through winter...

Hey, but pizza can get us through the winter! And we have plenty of the Best Slices in the whole United States. 
Wooster Square is 
New Haven Style Pizza.

Rated by most experts and confirmed by 
many more millions of 
mozzarella masticating munchers, 
New Haven is the best City in 
America for Apizza Apeople!

Click here for the real deal, Daily Meal, which ranks New Haven Style Pizza, aka Pepe's Pizza Clam Pie, Number 1 and many more!

Click here for the Gothamist, a guide to New Haven Pizza


It's easy, just order and eat. Click on the Thrillist's
Best Pizzas checklist and print, 
for the 33 Best Pizzas in 
the country you need to try 
(not so sure about like)

in alphabetical town.

click here and know you will be eating pizza for dinner as you drool over each pleasing pizza pie.

click, print, eat

Now a New York Pie Place, Grimaldi's 
came to the neighborhood, just over the 
New Haven line in Woodbridge. 
Cheryl had some business over there
so we decided what the heck, 
let's have pizza for lunch!
Grimaldi's comes in at a respectable 
#21 on the 101 Best Pizza list.

New Haven has Five of the top 101
Pizza places in the US. Now Six.


Rosemary Wings Wowed

Grimaldi's medium garlic and pepperoni

They even get local ingredients like 
mozzarella (moots) from Liuzzi's in North Haven.

And well,was it good?


You know, there are those that say New York style pizza is a copy of the popular New Haven Style.
Which is basically a thin, burnt crust that 
is cooked in a wood or coal fired oven.

Exactly what they have at Grimaldi's.

And just as you would find in Italy.

Like this osteria del carro
on Lago Transimino, Italy we found...

Italian Style

Honeymoon Heaven

And in Rome?

We did it like the Romans!

A little touristy tasty treat.

Meanwhile, back in the USA...

Before the Blossom Blog Mainframe hunts down 
the some sage sentiments for freshman,


before we hear from The Tonight Show's
Jimmy Fallon's "Thank you" notes**...

(To get an idea, if you have never seen
Jimmy's Thank You notes, watch this
on your device and have a couple of laughs.)

...we are heading into the fall blossoms,
however muted by the dry summer. Take a 
stroll around the park and take a look
at some of what fall has to offer here
in Historic, World Famous, Wooster Square!

WARNING: Photos can excite, may 
induce shallow breathing or leave 
you gasping for air! Consult your doctor
before you scroll any farther! 

Green's reign slipping

Bright morning Sakura Sun

Eight Days Adds Color

We invented old school

Yellows Creeping in

Sometimes the "Fall Blossoms", or
leaves changing colors, are as 
spectacular as the annual flowery fireworks.

Sakura Sighs
(October 27, 2012)

Big, Bright, Beautiful, Blistering, Blinding
 Burnt Orange again!
(October 29, 2014)

but we are seeing more colors on the ground...

Making way for new bright beautiful blossoms

Our Blossom Babies...from birth to earth.

but wait!

Next years cherry blossoms are being born!

Buds in the air!

Still blooming till the Frost Woman sings!

From the Blossom Perch on Hughes Place

Quickly Changing, wind and rain 
of late haven't helped.

Sad Sakura Sight
(not sure if this one will make it)

Parks Perfect for Pizza Pie Picnics

Historic World Famous Wooster Square Waits...

Come to see why it's hip to be in the Square

Lovely till the last drop

Holy Happiness here.

360 reasons to love Wooster Square

Three Hundred Sixty State Street in the background,
is just a 5 minute walk up 

Chapel Street past 
the famous dog posters

(our 4.5 pound toy poodle)


(our blind, Rock Star Italian greyhound)
((Cheryl and I met walking our dogs
in the Wonderful World of Wooster Square!))

***** ***** *****

Now about those lucky Freshman who
are experiencing life in a completely
different but exciting way.

The Blossom Blog Mainframe has randomly chosen the best 3 bits of Sage Square Wisdom 
from its vast memory banks.
(I just google it) 

3. "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." 
Benjamin Franklin

2. Whatever is good to know, is difficult to learn.
Greek Proverb (that's like a blog)

1. "Intelligence, plus character-that is the goal of True education."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Excellent advice if I must say so myself. It also helps to talk to others, ask around for help and advice, and get off your can and do what you can (join, volunteer.)

So welcome to the club!

And, the Wooster Square Blossom Blog is required reading for getting a quick smile, a good pizza tip or enjoying the
history of our 
 Happy Hanami Heaven!

Now, to Jimmy Fallon's "Thank You" notes that
he does on Friday Nights on a little show called
the Tonight Show!
(who didn't love Johnny Carson?) 

**For editorial, legal and other literary concerns,
the tape cannot be found on YouTube.
(that's because it is totally made up. Any 

resemblance, however, to Jimmy Fallon and the Tonight Show is completely intended. However,
Jimmy, you may thank Wooster Square
in the future, if not sooner)

Listen to "Thank You" note music while
reading, for the proper effect.

and picture Jimmy fake writing...

Thank you New Haven, for having that Historic district called, Wooster Square; home of 
New Haven Style Pizza aka Pepe's & Sally's, And 
thank you for making New York fold in half style pizza about as exciting as eating the New York Post 
with tomato sauce.

Thank you New Haven, for being the first Planned City in America. And thank you for making New York's layout look more like Boston!

Thank you New Haven, for inventing the Hamburger, at Louis Lunch. For without the humble, hallowed hamburger, millions of Americans might have
otherwise starved to death!

Thank You New Haven for being the Number #1
Foodie City in the USA! And thank you for having the best Modern American Restaurant, Zinc, in the Country... which makes dropping $500 on dinner for 
two in NYC feel like you are eating in a diner.

Thank you New Haven, for being the #4 best 
Cities for Being Single. And thanks for keeping your 
parks so pretty and clean that people like Bart
and Cheryl (and others) can meet 
and become non-single.

Thank you New Haven, for having innovative
and exciting world class Theater, at Long Wharf, Yale, the Shubert, Goodspeed... and for having
World Class Museums, so that New Haven looks
a lot like New York...only hipper and way cooler.

Thank You New Haven, for having the first Telephone exchange, and the first telephone book. And thanks for the invention of the Frisbee (at Yale), so that students can blow off some steam in
between studying hard.
(I am told that is not steam coming from the
students, but some form of smoke...dude)

And last but not least, Thank You Wooster Square,
for the Wooster Square Blossom Blog, which always keeps us up to date when the Famous Wooster Square Cherry Blossoms are blooming. And thanks Wooster Square Blossom Blog, 
for your industrious, illuminating, impossibly intimidating, idiotic alliteration... 
which brings to mind hilarious 
yet juvenile cerebral collegiate drinking games.

*****     *****     ***** 

We have lots to offer here in New Haven and
Historic Wooster Square.

Come for the Wooster Square Farmers Market, grab a pie and enjoy the neighborhood!

I leave you with two bird photos from this week.

Red tail Hawk in Hamden, flying
right near the Eagle's nest, with
the two Eaglets hanging out.
Here's either "Sally or Pepe"

See You Round the Square!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pinktober Rocks Here in Pink Nation, Wooster Square!

Wooster Square Blossom Blog 

Supports Breast Cancer Awareness month

It's hard to believe that this golden summer has slipped away, leaving colder nights and colorful days. One must realize that life here on this big blue ball is particularly short, I mean in the scheme of all things. As in life, as for the Cherry Blossoms. For thousands of years the Cherry Blossom Seasons have been revered for their beauty, as well as their hasty, abrupt disappearance. 

In a short time there is 
anticipation, amazement,  & happiness. The Blossoms are not gone, they are reborn. The Blossoms help the tree grow, and produce more 
jaw dropping beauty.

Pink Nation!

"Sweet Sakura's Song;
Blossoms, Summer's Shade, Autumn;
Each year we're still Awed"
Bart and Cheryl's Haiku - 2014

Ah, but Fall. What a wonderous season of Baseball World Series, Football and here come the Holidays!
Pull out the sweat shirts, scarves and mittens! 

Not just yet.

Speaking of Football, on the anniversary of the 
100th year of the Yale Bowl, 
they creamed Army in overtime!*
*(I am told that overtime is when both teams are tied with no time left. Whoever scores first wins... So technically they did not cream them...)

The game was just not historic, good and exciting; 
it was named 
College Game of the week!

Way to go Bulldogs!

Yale followed the next week with another 
big win over Cornell.

This Week, the Eli's take on Dartmouth at home!

Little rainy today!

This dry summer we had here in the East (nothing like the drought in the Western US), is having it's effects felt already. I heard from the birding community that dry summers mean fewer and smaller nuts, seeds and berries. Particularly among the hardest hit, acorns, which Squirrels need in abundance to survive a tough winter. And the Birds that stay and migrate here for the winter, it means less yummies for their beautiful feathery tummies.

Great Grass Grains

So for the sake of our Fine Feathered Flying Friends,
put out a feeder for the Winter! They say just watching the birds lowers your blood pressure and puts you into a better mood. 

While you are at it, put a bell on your cat. Cats have had an adverse effect on our birds 
here in North America.

Unfortunately, both Cheryl and I came down with 
really bad colds for this time of the year.

However, the Blossom Blog Mainframe never
gets sick, never complains and churns out
facts and figures on everything local and fun!

Also, coming up next post:

Advice for 2014 Freshman!

While I take some more cold medicine, 
take a look at some other photos
from around the Wonderful World of Wooster Square, New Haven and more of last weeks bike ride to
Lighthouse Point!

Lighthouse Looking Lovely

Park's Perfect People!

Phuzzy Phence Photo Phun!

Wooster Street Wows World!

Court Street Colors

Teensy Tiny Titillating Tempting Treats!

Wooster Squirrelian Scores Succulent Something!

Land of Ahhhsss

 Holy Holly High, Honorable Hanamians!

Future Site of Fabulous Fun Fall Foliage!

Time Stands Still in World Famous
Historic Wooster Square!

New Haven Rocks...

360 Ways!

Chapel Street

Church Street

History LOVES Company!

Speaking of Pizza.

Grimaldi's Brick Oven Pizza just opened in
Woodbridge, just over the New Haven Line.

Click here for even More Great Pies in the #1 Pizza city in da World!

Grimaldi's falls in at a respectable 
#28 out of the 101
Best Pizza's in the USA
according to the Daily Meal.

Click here to drool over the top 101 Pies! New Haven Rocks the Pizza World!

Click here to hear how Chicago reacts to having only 2 spots in the top 101!

Hey, even if you have "New Haven" style
Pizza somewhere else, you 
get recognition!

In Washington DC you've got 
Pete's New Haven Apizza!

Click here for DC ZA

And then there is Randy's Wooster Street Pizza,
which has three locations up near Hartford,
one up at Storrs, home of UCONN.

Randy's was named a top 10 Family Restaurant
in the USA! Wooster Street Rules!

Click here to Read on Randy in CTNOW!

Click here for Randy's website and read about how he was on Man vs Food!

Only here, on the Wooster Square Blossom Blog, the world's first Photoblogumentary, 
can you get your news, food, photos, PIZZA, 
New Haven
Pink Nation! Wooster Square!

All brought to you
straight to your device
of choice, piping hot!

Be sure to sign up for email
deliver for worry free smiles.

Wooster Square Blossom Blog

Your World, Squared!

One Million People can't be WRONG!

(The Wooster Square Blossom Blog and its
content, photos and +Bart Connors Szczarba have
had over 1,000,000 views since it's inception.)

Back to earth... living so near to Wooster Street, sometimes just having to smell Pepe's, Sally's, Abate's... just about can drive one mad!

Last weekend, I biked down to 
Lighthouse Point, New Haven.

click here for a map on Google maps!

Lighthouse Point is an official
"Hawk Watch" site for the Audubon Society.

Volunteers stand and look for, count and 
keep a tally of all the Hawks, Eagles, Osprey
and other such Big Ass Birds! 
(I am certain that is not 
the technical birding term)
(Although, the American Kestral is small)

Hawk watchers watching for Hawks,
like a Hawk!

American Kestral Came Calling...
"See you Next Spring!"

Also, other birds migrate through our fair City
and this wonderful park on Long Island Sound.

I never knew Blue Jays migrated, but a 
"Hawker" told me they do... the ones
around here for the winter, came from somewhere
north of Connecticut.

One Blue Jay...

Another Blue Jay...

Two Blue Jays...

Few more Blue Jays...

Tons of Blue Jays!

Yellow Rumped Warbler Migrating Through..

Did that Bird just Moon me?
(showing of his little yellow rump)

Many thanks to Chris Loscalzo (one of New England's leading Birders) and his wife Marianne, who took Cheryl and I out on
a private birding walk at Lighthouse Point!

(otherwise, I wouldn't know a Rump from my elbow!)

Fort Nathan Hale
(adjacent to Lighthouse Point)

New Haven from Fort Nathan Hale

Revolutionary my dear Watson!

Read here about Black Rock Fort, Fort Nathan Hale and how 19 badass Wooster Squarians Kicked British Butt (until they ran out of ammo....)

No offense, UK subscribers!
(your guys burned down our barracks!)

Big Bird Fishing
(Great Egret)

You lookin at me?

Butterfly Garden

Killdeer came calling

Mmmm, worms...

Saw Mrs. C

Something I said?

Mr. and Mrs. C

Worm breath is back...

Cute Killdeer

Red Wing Black Bird Feeding Near Butterfly Garden

Is that butterfly smiling?

Of course! He lives in New Haven Connecticut!

See you at Lighthouse Point


See You Round the Square!!!


Happy Columbus Day!!!

Stop by, grab a pie!