Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wooster Square Cherry Blossoms 2019 Report

Spring is Coming!

Like Game of Thrones, we like to make a big deal 
out of our season that is coming:

I know that right about now you're wondering,
  after 10 inches of snow in the area, 
will spring ever come?

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Any photo on this blog can be purchased.
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Ah, but these seasons here 
in New England Change.

We go from the cold snow and ice to
a warm and welcoming Spring.


Or not! Sometimes Spring Temps
just don't measure up.

You see, that is what makes reporting on these
precious pink pretties so precarious!

You have to factor in the weather 
and warm temps that may never come.

Winter got you blue?

But our Beautiful Bright Blossoms 
always come back, year after year!

In case you haven't heard, in Washington DC
they have a few Cherry Trees.


George Washington chopped one down the story goes and Japan felt bad, 
really bad because they love 
Cherry Trees and their fleeting beauty.

So Japan sent 400 trees to George 
and he planted them himself along the Basin 
where they still blossom today.*
*(unlike President Washington, Blossom
Bloggers have been known to make up things)

If you want to know about the true origins
of Washington DC's Cherry Trees

Click here for Cherry Blossom Central in Washington DC

There's just a few of us Bloomologists
who study and predict Cherry Blossoms.

We kind of stick together. 

And when National Geographic wanted some insight to how the process works, they called an expert!

Check out this article on Travel and 7 Places to visit Cherry Blossoms around the country!
Wooster Square made the list!

See the quote by your Blossom Blogger in this Nat Geo article

My friend and mentor Michael Stackowitz from the National Park Service has updated the
Peak Poppadge (70% of trees in full bloom)to April 3rd to April 6th.

Pretty cocky these DC Bloomologists!

Of course, the Wooster Square
Blossom Blog has going on 8 years
of a 100% Prediction accuracy*
*Source: WSBB

Wooster Square's Cherry Blossoms Bloom
on average, and this appears to be
an average year, to be on track
to Peak around April 28th.

That's an important date because 
that is the date of the 
46th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival!

Click here for all the Festivities in Wooster Square!

Since Washington DC has spoken,
we need to look to our Hanami History.

"Typically, Wooster Square's Blossoms 
Peak 15.5 days after Washington DC's."

That would make ours Peaking around the 22nd.

But guess what?

Change happens. So we need to follow Washington's lead and calculate from there.

Our Trees have no green buds, so the jury is out on the exact date. Last year's green buds happened on March 24th. So we have a ways to go!!

White throated sparrow waits for spring!

The only way to know for sure is to follow the WSBB on facebook, Blossomblogger 
on Twitter and Instagram.

Bring on Spring!! I be taking you along for the 
Cherry Blossom Express! Enjoy the Ride!!

See You on the Train 
See You Round the Square!

***   ***   ***   ***

The Wooster Square Blossom Blog
is Sponsored in whole
Cheryl Szczarba
Seabury Hill Realtors.

When you are Ready to Buy, Sell or Rent in the New Haven area-
Call or Text Cheryl today!!
City Living at it's finest.

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