Houston, we have Blossom Ignition.
Stage 1 is where the whole Blooming process starts. Until we see green tips on the former dormant buds, the entire blossom process hasn't started.
On today's reconnaissance, Roxie (my dog) and I inspected, surmised, then came to the same conclusion!
Yes we have Green Tips!! Hip hip hurray!
But if you haven't noticed, it's been downright chilly this week. And as I pointed out in my last post, the extended 10 day forecast calls for cooler than normal for Wooster Square. this may slow them down.
Roxie and I got to meet Sophie, another chihuahua mix, and they had a ball. During small talk I said I take photos of the blossoms while they are blooming and try to let everyone know!
So What do I know?
As I have hinted, peak will be early. How early is the question. Cherry Blossoms can be stuck on green tips until they feel like moving onto stage two, Florets visible. Then Extension of Florets, Peduncle Elongation (gasp), Puffy White/Pink, then Peak Bloom.
Once we get to Stage Two, then I'll be able to zero in more on when I think they may peak.
One great thing about Cherry Trees is that the are one of the earliest bloomers. Yet they are fleetingly beautiful. For one must take the beauty in while they are here, because like life, it can be over too soon.
So if you are in New Haven, or surrounding towns, try and walk around the Square and feel the life returning. Each stage looks different ending in a spectacular display of Pink and White pedals.
Take a look at some photos from yesterday and this morning.
See You Round the Square!
The Wooster Square Blossom Blog is Sponsored by:
Cheryl Szczarba, Realtor
Seabury Hill Realtors
233 Wooster Street
New Haven CT 06511
Call or text Cheryl today to get a jump this HOT SPRING MARKET. Cheryl's been turning clients into neighbors and friends for 20 years and is one of New Haven's top producing agents.
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