Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Quinnipiac Bridge, Biking and Birding!

Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge Dutifully, Dramatically, Deliriously, Decisively Dedicated!

Our new, beautiful and nicknamed, "Q" bridge, had a treat for us this weekend. Saturday they allowed the public to come and walk or bike onto the just finished northern section of the 
Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge.

Not only that, but they had an unveiling, 2 WWII Pearl Harbor Connecticut Survivors along with the necessary amount of politicians, food trucks, kids activities, and live radio broadcasts. Did I forget to mention the unbelievable once in a lifetime view!?!?!

Looking north off the PHM bridge, up the Mill River and the Chapel Street Bridge, the English Station and East Rock (left). On the right is the Quinnipiac River and the Ferry Street Bridge and Fair Haven.

The bridge was well represented by neighbors and fellow Wooster Squarians. However, many from all over the State and beyond parked in the designated
lots all around our Special Sakura Square.

The walk was a hike from Wooster Square just to get to the Hamilton ramp! So biking seemed like the smartest and best option. Besides, Cheryl and I had plans on biking across the bridge to the East Shore Park Chili Fest put on by the Community Action Agency of New Haven, a worthy cause. They are a driving force behind meals on wheels.

Off we went to see the spectacle

Click here to read all about it!

Never Forget

Lot's of people taking other people's photos!

Bart & Cheryl Szczarba
(someone offered to take ours!)

Lot's of linear lineage!

It is designed to resemble sails, and the smokestacks
of the ships anchored in Pearl Harbor..

Plenty to do, eating included!
You can see Yale's new campus with
the giant cranes in the background.

They had a viewing platform made up, right.

East Rock, Chapel Street Bridge and Bride

Phoenix Press Windmill

Bumper to bumper!

American Made, Union Proud

Sail Away traffic woes!

Chapel Street Bridge
(it swings sideways)
Behind is shuttered contaminated former member of what was called the Sooty Seven. It burned coal, and they only switched it on when there was heavy summer demand. In a utility buyout deal, it gets about $30,000,000 for the clean up.
Thems a lot of clams!

However, further clean up would be required for use as a residential neighborhood...Be a cool place
for a few apartment buildings and hotel/marina.

The Ferry Street Bridge. This bridge deck swings up on each side in the middle.


Day of Infamy

Day of remembrance and fun.
Hey, they said no vehicles!

Long Wharf Maritime Center.

We were unable to get off the other side, as it was still in partial use as a ramp to get onto the other side of I-95. So back down Hamilton and over the Tomlinson Bridge which is next to PHMB.

Biking through New Haven Terminal is interesting.
They have all sorts of commerce from shipping
to oil and pollution control. Right at the end,
East Rock Park starts.

I found a walking path I never knew that existed earlier this summer, and I was anxious to show Cheryl where it was. The path is paved with benches and an exercise trail. It goes right along the water,
great for migrating birds and bird watchers!

We weren't disappointed.

Yellow Warbler

We heard these Warblers just as we entered the park. A whole little gang of them. Easy to hear,
hard to see, very small and they don't sit still!


 Great Egret in New Haven Harbor

Rowdy Ring Billed Gull comes for a bite.

I'm outta here!

Special Treat. This shot from Fort Nathan Hale,
across the Coast Guard Station you can see 
the Yale Science Building. The treat is the 
Belted Kingfisher sitting in tree.

We stopped by the Chili Fest and had a bite,
before our bike home to Wooster Street!

Community Action Agencies'
"Chili Fest!

Coming up!  

An Important Post!

Advice for Fresh Frosh,
the Blossomations for
(I predict when they pop)
and reports from this years
big bright beauties!
Also, more about New Haven's
claim to Greatest Small City in America.

Follow on your favorite feed, 
google + or twitter. 
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See You Round the Square!!

Eagle on Connecticut River Quest Cruise


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