Monday, March 14, 2016

Top ten things to do while viewing Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC and Wooster Square CT

Also: Cherry Blossom Mathematics 


With a collective sigh, we all know winter is something of the past. Oh it may huff, and it may puff, but old man winter has lost his favorite frozen frigid fun.

Pretty Purple People Pleasers!

And what is coming after these?

Wooster Square's Cherry Blossoms!

When will they bloom?
What's there to do?
Any good food?
How does it compare to Washington?

A job for the Blossom Blog Mainframe, in addition to getting the exact date of Peak Poppadge 
(70% of trees are peak)

Let's take a look at the 
Tale of the Two Cities!

Fun things/places to do/go 
while enjoying
World Class Cherry Blossoms!

Washington DC*
1. Where to visit? The Mall of course, that's where the tidal basin lies and lots of other things.
2. The National Cherry Blossom Festival. A tad larger than Wooster Square's....
3. 14th and 11th streets. A hip place with restaurants, like Wooster Square.
4. National Art Sculpture garden. Works by Calder, Lichtenstein. 
5. Arlington Cemetery. The National Cemetery.
6. Union/Eastern Markets. Big urban foodie fun.
7. Library of Congress. All your phone call records and texts.
8. Ford's Theater. Don't stay for the ending.
9. Museum of Natural History. Spend the night.
10. Native Food? A "half smoke". Think hot dog, half beef and half pork, in a sauce. Lot's of great restaurants.
(*some information via fodor's travel

Wooster Square (New Haven)
1. Where to visit? Wooster Square Park of course.
2. Historic Wooster Square Association Annual Cherry Blossom Festival. Sunday, April 24, 2016.
3. Wooster Street. A hip place with restaurants.
4. New Haven Art Sites. Works by Calder, Varini, Lin 
5. Grove Street Cemetery. First non-denominational.
6. Wooster Square Farmer's Market. Nationally Recognized.
7. Beinecke Rare Book Library. One of the coolest places on earth. Getting a total rehab.
8. Shubert Theater. Broadway Babies.
9. Peabody Museum. All about the bones.
10. Native Food? The hamburger was invented at Louis Lunch, still open. And, Pizza. Or I should say Apizza. Lots of great restaurants too!

New Haven Style A-beets is the best.

Another fun fiscal fact. A night stay during peak Cherry Blossom at the Omni 
in Washington: $359
In New Haven? $185

Now that's a deal folks!

Before we bore you to death with 
Blossom Mathematics, 
let's take a peek at Washington DC and 
some photos from New Haven!

Our first trip to the White House,
summoned for our expertise in Cherry Blossoms.*
*(not everything you read on the internet is true)

The Willard Hotel, where the term
Lobbyist was coined.

Meanwhile, back in New Haven!

Take the high road

Flower foto fun

Lighthouse Point from the Sound School

New Skyline,
Welcome back to New Haven Alexion!
A true New Haven Success Story!
(Knights of Columbus National 
Headquarters on right)

Our New Q!

It's a short walk to Long Wharf from
Historic Wooster Square.

Meet new friends!

A Merlin, a small falcon type bird on top
of the Cross at St. Michael's on the Square.
Locals say this means that one could eat pizza, pasta
or cannolis without gaining any weight.

Blossom Math!

The National Park Service has announced their peak dates as being March 18-23. Perhaps a bit premature. A look at their live blossom cam (we run on a tight budget here) click below:
We can see that they are just into the second of a long set of stages the blossoms go through. However, if we use the NPS blossomation, and factor in the history of Wooster Square's Blossoms and 
voila! We can come up with a date.

Since our blossoms usually peak about 15.5 days after Washington's, that would bring us to our
peak about April 7th.

But that is according to a government agency with billions of dollars. They change the dates like the weather changes. Yet with a budget of zero
for the past 5 years the Wooster Square Blossom Blog has never missed the date for peak.

That's right, this is the 5th anniversary of 
the Wooster Square Blossom Blog. And we don't intend on missing any of the beautiful blossoms, so you won't have too either!

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Next up: The exciting life of a Cherry Blossom!

See You Round the Square!
on the wall in Consiglio's on Wooster Street

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