Wednesday, March 11, 2020

When will Wooster Square Cherry Blossoms Peak?

Blossom Mathematics 2020

As a kid, I used to struggle with math. I mean,
who didn't? Of course, that's how I ended
up having a career in Insurance and Banking.

You know, you do things outside your comfort zone.

It's kind of like when I see anyone these days,
and they only have one question for me.

That question is about Cherry Blossoms
and of course when they will peak.

Green Buds Hangin

After all, neighbors want their friends
to visit while peaking. I have photographers
who ask when they should schedule 
photo shoots in the park!

People do professional work photos,
wedding photos, engagement photos.
new baby photos, new puppy photo....
you get the "picture"?

However, when it's your time to step up
to the plate, you go into a zone.

The Blossom Zone.

What is Blossom Math?

It's really quite simple. I take all the 
historical data from Washington DC
Cherry Blossoms. Then I compare
DC's peak Bloom and extrapolate
those facts to Wooster Square Cherry Blossoms.

Then I check our weather patterns
and our blossom historical data.

I simply feed this information
into the Blossom Blog Mainframe.
The mainframe is connected
to the Yale Supercomputer,
The Smithsonian and the server
is safe and sound in a secure location
in Blossom friendly Ukraine.

And, since Washington DC's blossoms
made it to stage 3, I can ask the 
mainframe to do the math and 
give me a more accurate date
of our Wooster Square Cherry Blossoms!

Confused? Good. There's only one
Chief Bloomologist job around
here and I'd like to keep it.

While the mainframe crunches those numbers,
I'm going to take my assistant Roxie,
out to take some photos!

Last year

Future Fireworks

There's always pizza!

Color Coming Soon

Reserved for you.

Tick Tick

Pretty Pollen Producers People!

History loves Company

Buds in the air

A Rose by any other name.

Worm cam

The picture tells the story

Soaking up the sun

Doesn't look like much now...

We are literally hand raking the park for you.

With a cherry on top

The fuse is lit

Keep calm, Hanami on.

A star is born

Meet my little friend

Hughes Place Pretties

Wooster Square Remembers

Green machines

Land of Ahs

So Mr. Blossom Blogger, 
when will Wooster Square Peak?

We're still a ways off as you can tell.

And Washington DC is a lot warmer
than it is here in New Haven.

The only way your going to know is by following here and on facebook and twitter!

Wooster Square is tracking early for sure.
How much? STILL too early to tell.

But our Peak will be in the early to mid April.
Possibly right around Easter.

Look for daily photos on Twitter
@blossomblogger and on
the WSBB facebook page.

Save the date - April 19th
Wooster Square Cherry Blossom Festival

Thank You Sponsor!

Not only is Cheryl Szczarba, Realtor,
the Wooster Square Blossom Blog Sponsor,
Cheryl is also the Festival Co-Chair!

If you want to buy or sell your home,
call or Text Cheryl at

See You on Wooster Street
See You Round the Square!

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