Wooster Square Remains vigilant
fighting to stay connected, apart.
Oh 2020, what have you done?
In March we waited for Spring of 2020,
the new Decade and
The Wooster Square Cherry Blossom Festival.
Stop the presses!
Stay home, stay safe.
To most of us, it still feels like we're stuck
somewhere in time. The days go by
without any accordance of normalcy.
The pandemic makes one irascible, insuperable.
I personally have autoimmune issues
and I'm over 35 (61).
So it's been difficult for all of us. I haven't been
to a store, coffee shop, restaurant for months.
I know there are a lot of us out there. Relying on
others to shop, cook, clean.
Like others who are fortunate to work,
Cheryl is considered essential as a Realtor.
Cheryl heads out like Wonder Woman to
helps those who have Real Estate needs
in these special pandemic times.
slayed the competition in 2019
#1 sales #1 listings Coops & Condos!
(in person she wears a mask so her super
powers are hidden secret.)
These are difficult times, so much loss,
so many missed events that can't be replaced.
Memories that can't be reshaped nor re-lived.
Stranded in time. Each day is another like another.
Only time marches on, we're stuck in some
Wild Wooster Square Wormhole.
Weeks have no beginning or end.
It's deja vu all over again.
Any possible sign of High Hope here for
Hanami Happiness?
Well, the immature tree on
Luisa DeLauro Corner
bloomed all sorts of times,
like on New Year's Day.
It was a bellwether tree and beyond.
Well, all that blooming tuckered
that poor little tree out and
people it popped its last peak and died.
So, the Historic Wooster Square Association
had the parks dept plant a new immature
Sakura Cherry Tree.
And wouldn't you know it but the tree,
out of nowhere goes to Peak Pop
in December, lasting quite a while.
Think Spring!
Using my vast nearly ten years of Blogging
on Wooster Square and the Cherry Blossoms
I've done some research about the corner
of Chapel Street and Academy.
I dusted off the mainframe and came up with this*
The answer lies in the record of one internationally known Wooster Squarian businessman & owner of an Apothecary Benedict Arnold.
Apprenticing in Norwich, he
came to New Haven and settled
in where else but Wooster Square.
Mr. Arnold's house was on Water Street.
Now it is an empty lot near
High School in the Community.
Benedict Arnold hung his shingle
(sign) on the corner of
Chapel Street & Olive Street
only about one block away.
(Now the site of St P&J's)
B. Arnold Druggist was very popular
with the Yale students and the wealthy.
With his ties to England, Benedict was able
to use credit to buy goods that were
in high fashion such as perfumes.
Also, himself a voracious reader, imported books
of all types including medical.
Mr. Blossom Blogger?
Just what the hell does this have
to do with the Cherry Tree Blooming?
Well one day, a student of the fifth Yale President,
came in with tremendous pain. Benedict
Arnold could see that the man may not live.
The druggist made a concoction
of ether, cannabis, and opium.
Incredibly, the student felt cured.
He ventured over to Wooster Park
where he found a vendor selling oysters.
The student ate as if his life depended on it.
But alas, Mr Arnold was correct. The student
was terminal. Rumour has it they found
him leaning on a gaslight at the corner of...
Chapel and Academy.
Legend has it he was smiling peacefully a note clutched in his hand that read...
"Although my life is cut so short, I was
a blessed man on this earth. I thank
"Dr" Arnold for making my transition
to the after life free of pain and a full belly.
Free to Blossom Benevolently."
signed: T. (Thadeous) Bloom, Esq
*(some things, although entertaining, are just plain not true and made up. Benedict Arnold did live in Wooster Square and his office was down the street. Actual events may not have happened.
Prohibited while void in some counties. The Wooster Square Blossom Blog is not responsible for you falling for it hook line and blossom.)
Please, everyone stay
safe and healthy
for the holidays.
Coming January 2021!
The Fourth, somewhat annual, Wooster Square Blossom Blog Great TakeOut Pizza Debate!
Please follow the WSBB on facebook
and Blossom Blogger on Twitter!
Have a Happy New Year!
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